On the Journey Together, Words of Endurance

A Note of Encouragement

Friends love through all kinds
of weather, and families stick together
in all kinds of trouble.
Proverbs 17:17 (The Message)

Don’t face your valley alone! You have a heavenly Father who loves you and cares for you deeply. Ask Him to find the supportive friendships, the family you need. Then don’t overlook the surprising help that might arrive! He may use long-lost relatives, neighbors, a support group, your local church, a very old (or very new) friend to provide comfort and encouragement in unlooked for ways.

But the most important friend is the Lord. The Bible describes Him as one who “is close to the brokenhearted” (Psalm 34:18) and the “friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). So invite Him into your home. Make room! Allow Him to fill your heart with peace, grace, mercy and love. Because He has promised to …

“… never leave you or forsake you.”
Joshua 1:5 (NIV)

On the journey with you,
Dave Dravecky