If someone you love is battling cancer, serious illness, depression, grief, or loss, we hope these articles will provide words of encouragement and endurance for the journey.
Accepting Wise Counsel
September 5, 2024The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. PROVERBS 20:5 (NIV) Counseling taught me to be a bette...
Receiving Godly Cousel
September 5, 2024All this comes from the Lord almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom. ISAIAH 28:29(NIV) I understand how Christians can be skeptical ...
Trusting Others with Who I Am
August 12, 2024Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble. PROVERBS 17:17 (THE MESSAGE) I love the book of Prover...
These resources share some of the best answers and sources of inspiration we’ve found that have touched our hearts and comforted thousands. Endurance resources are available in English and may be purchased for personal, educational or religious use; all proceeds benefit Endurance. We currently ship materials to addresses within the U.S. and Canada.
People who are battling a serious illness or loss are especially prone to depression. Caregivers and family members are also at risk. The chemicals that keep our brain functioning can become depleted during times of stress. Depression is the result of a chemical depletion and is a legitimate medical problem- not a spiritual problem.
Anger – normally seen as a negative emotion – is not an uncommon companion on the journey through the valley of suffering .
The waves of fear faced by those who battle cancer can be overwhelming, sometimes even debilitating. But life goes on despite our fears. So when we feel fear’s clammy grip, what can we do?
No one wants to suffer – no one enjoys suffering – it is even worse when we are taken by surprise – blindsided by the painful trial – there is no perfect time to fit suffering into your schedule.
Fill out our contact form to receive our weekly devotional, Words of Endurance, to encourage you along your journey.
Meet Jan & Dave Dravecky
Facing cancer, amputation, and depression, Dave and his wife Jan eventually found hope.
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Our Encouragement Gifts contain customized selections of faith-based books that offer a message of hope for the journey.
Your gift to Endurance will support ministry to those who are suffering through depression, illness or loss.