Discovering Who I Am, Words of Endurance

I Am Loved

First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first.

You have been journeying with me on my “Discovery Tour” for quite a while now and today’s writing will be the final one on this tour. I have shared a lot of momentous life changing moments along the journey. But the most profound moment – the most life changing for me took place thirty years after I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and it was when I finally understood the Original Good News – the Gift of Grace.

This was my ultimate “Aha Moment!” Once I understood the Original Good News – God’s Grace for me just as I am – it was then that I was able to fully receive His love. What a gift – and all I had to do was receive it! Accepting His Grace removed my burden of continually trying to earn His Love. The burden was so heavy and frustrating for me in my walk because in my own estimation I always missed the mark and I never felt worthy of His Love but then I accepted Jesus’ invitation to learn the unforced rhythms of grace …

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?
Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.
I’ll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me
and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

I am still learning the unforced rhythms of Grace but now that I feel so fulfilled with the Lord’s love I want nothing more than to extend that same grace to others. I have discovered that as I extend that grace it is so easy for me to love others – warts and all! And I have also discovered that my love and grace for others is born out of His Love and Grace for me – warts and all. I will be forever thankful that He loved us first!

So this is my prayer:
that your love will flourish and
that you will not only love much but well.

On the Journey with You,
Dave Dravecky