Endurance for the Journey, Featured, Prayer
My Prayer
Dear Lord,
Help me to see that you are sovereign over the circumstances of my life,
even over suffering that seems impossible to understand.
Help me to see that suffering as a sacrament,
something that can be a means of grace,
drawing me closer to you, and you closer to me.
Grant me the honesty to ask heartfelt questions. Grant me also the humility to realize that what I need isn’t so much an answer but an embrace.
Embrace me, O God. Please. Lift me from the ash heap and gather me in your loving arms. Hold me close. Wipe my tears. And make me whole … Eugene Peterson
My thoughts …
I think it is about taking a pause and see that no matter what it is that’s going on in our lives or around us, never forget we ultimately desire for God to hold us close in His Loving Arms.
Our Master Jesus has His arms wide open for you.
And I love all of you in the Messiah, in Jesus.
On the journey with you,
Dave Dravecky