Endurance for the Journey, Fear, Featured
Sanctuary from Fear
Do not fear what they fear,
and do not dread it.
The Lord Almighty is the one
you are to regard as holy,
he is the one to fear,
he is the one you are to dread,
and he will be a sanctuary.
ISAIAH 8:12-14 (NIV)
I had been programmed for so many years not to admit fear, but rather to be strong and confident, a conqueror. So when fear and doubt hit, it was like a tidal wave engulfing me.
What especially bothered me was the fear of death. Even as a Christian, the fear of dying consumed my thoughts. I did not want to die. I didn’t know what dying involved. All I knew was that I wanted to be around. I loved my wife and kids and I didn’t want to leave them. The fear of losing them consumed me. In an odd sort of way, a passage like Isaiah 8:12-14 really helped. Just knowing that “he will be a sanctuary” was a comfort to my heart. I discovered that God is the only one who can relieve our fears. When we focus on him, even in our fear, we find sanctuary.
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
ISAIAH 41:10 (NLT)
On the journey with you,
Dave Dravecky