Endurance for the Journey, Featured, Love
The Jesus Way is Love
Jesus replied,” You must love the Lord your God
with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment.
A second is equally important.
Love your neighbor as yourself.”
MATTHEW 22:37-39 (NLT)
We focus so much on How to live we miss out on The Way to live. I believe that at the center of The Way to live is love!
There is someone close to me I’ve been watching for many years now who knows The Way to live – her name is Janny Cakes (her nickname), my bride, who for 43 years of marriage has been living The Way of love! Why it has taken me so long to see it and appreciate it I’ll never know – just stubborn I guess! (Note to men: most of us are.) She has actually been the example of living the Jesus Way!
The Jesus Way is always the opposite of the world’s way. The world wants all the emphasis to be put on self and the Jesus Way places the emphasis on putting others first! This is who my Janny Cakes is. By the way I want you to know Janny Cakes has also learned how important it is to love herself so she can pour His love into others!
Once again reading in Bob Goff’s devotional, “Live in Grace, Walk in Love” describes my Janny Cakes to a T! I would highly recommend reading this devotional. It’s food for the soul! Thank you so much Bob Goff.
“Great love leaves little doubt because great love shows up. Great love doesn’t go away, and it never has an eye on the clock when it should call it quits. When you’re in need you learn about great love because you see people go all in to ease the burden a bit!” Bob Goff
The title of this devotion is LOVE SHOWS UP! And that’s what my Janny Cakes does, she shows up and I love that about her. Over the years her example has rubbed off on me in a powerful way . At one point in my story, I found it very hard to love like this. But what I’m learning is that it has nothing to do with the emotions of love it has everything to do with who I am, and love is a very clear part of who I am. I don’t have to hide it and I am free to express and share it with others. After all, if the Holy Spirit lives in me then the fruit of the Spirit lives through me and love is the first fruit in line!
This way of life, THE JESUS WAY, is so much better than the World’s way! This is the overwhelming desire of ours here at Endurance. Unfortunately, it is impossible to be face to face and to love on you the way we would prefer But that is why our prayers for you and sending the Encouragement boxes to all of you is so important to us! It’s our way of letting you know LOVE SHOWS UP! That’s the JESUS WAY!
Dear Children,
Let’s not merely say that we love each other;
let us show the truth by our actions.
1 JOHN 3:18 (NLT)
On the journey with you,
Dave Dravecky