Endurance for the Journey, Featured


And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones
they had taken out of the Jordan.
He said to the Israelites,
“In the future when your descendants ask their fathers,
‘What do these stones mean?’
Tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’
For the Lord your God dried up the Jordan
before you until you had crossed over.”
JOSHUA 4:20-23 (NIV)

In the Old Testament,whenever God did something of significance for the Israelites,something He didn’t want them to forget, He often had them build a monument so they would remember.

Dave’s Comeback became a monument in our lives, a monument that I returned to time and time again during our time of suffering. Like the Israelites stones, those monuments were reminders to me that God was real, that He was faithful, that He was involved in our lives.

I have a friend who has written her monuments down on a note card that she keeps in her Bible. Another friend has written her monuments in the margins of her Bible. I file away my monuments in my mind and like old treasured photographs, I take a good look at them whenever I need encouragement. Remember the things I have done in the past.

For I alone am God!
I am God, and there is none like me.

On the journey with you,
Jan Dravecky