Hope, Pain, Perspectives, Words of Endurance
Training for an Attitude Change
Train yourself in godliness,
for, while physical training is of some value,
godliness is valuable in every way,
holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
1 TIMOTHY 4:7-8 (NRSV)
Changing our attitudes requires us to change the way we think and that is a process that doesn’t happen overnight – it takes training! It may take weeks, months or even longer to “retrain” our attitudes in godliness but like an athlete in training, those of us in “attitude training” need to focus on the specific exercises that will enable us to reach our goal.
Below is an ATTITUDE acrostic. Perhaps you can use the reminders on the ATTITUDE acrostic as “training stations” to help keep you on track while you train for a godly attitude. I know it sure has helped us on our journey to mature our attitudes!
Ask God to help you have a right attitude. Ask Him often for …
Teachability, for a heart that is willing to embrace change.
Truth, so you know what and how to mature.
Insight into the obstacles that keep you from maturing.
Tenacity, so you don’t give up when you experience setbacks.
Understanding of the Scriptures, the source for right thoughts and attitudes.
Desire to have a godly attitude – the same attitude as Jesus.
Endurance to continue to mature your attitude.
Your attitude should be
the kind that was shown us by Jesus Christ,
who, though he was God,
did not demand and cling to his rights as God,
but laid aside his mighty power and glory,
taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men.
And he humbled himself even further,
going so far as actually to die a criminal’s death on a cross.
On the Journey with You,
Dave & Jan Dravecky