Endurance for the Journey, Featured
What Are Idols?
The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord;
they forgot the Lord their God
and served the Baals and the Asherahs.
I used to think idols were only those wood and stone images people in heathen countries worshiped. Then I started doing a little investigating. Ouch! D.L. Moody wrote, “Whatever you love more than God is your idol.”
Dave and I discovered through our suffering that we had several idols in our lives that frequently challenged God for supremacy. Dave wrestled with physical strength and athletic talent. I did battle with the idols of intellectual prowess and a “superwoman” mentality.
When the bottom fell out and suffering exposed the true condition of our hearts, we quickly discovered both the presence and limitations of our idols.They didn’t rescue us, provide comfort for us or love us unconditionally. In fact, they caused us more pain because they replaced the only One who can rescue, comfort and love us. I’ve often wondered if and when our idols would have been exposed … were it not for that season of trials and testing.
Consider it a sheer gift, friends,
when tests and challenges
come at you from all sides.
You know that under pressure,
your faith-life is forced into the open
and shows its true colors.
So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely.
Let it do its work
so you become mature and well-developed,
not deficient in any way.
On the journey with you,
Jan Dravecky