Fear, Grace, Hope, On the Journey Together, Words of Endurance
“I, yes I, am the one who comforts you.
So why are you afraid of mere humans,
who wither like the grass and disappear?”
Trusting the Holy Spirit to lead me out of my darkness was a relatively easy step for me to take. He had turned my darkness into light before – I trusted that He would again. No one knows my heart better – the good, the bad and the ugly – and nothing about my true self could separate me from His Unconditional Love.
But the harder challenge for me was to trust others who had conditional love for me. How could I trust others with who I truly am when I fear them? The Holy Spirit has shown me at the core of my people-pleasing nature is the fear of human disapproval especially from the ones I love and respect.
This fear has caused me to hide behind the masks I have worn my entire married life and bury my true feelings deep inside my soul. I put my true self in captivity. But thank you Lord that You came to set the captives free! I now know that I can trust others with my true self because I can trust You to protect my heart. However, knowing and living this truth out are two different things. I am on a journey.
The fear of human opinion disables;
trusting in God protects you from that.
On The Journey With You,
Jan Dravecky