I urge you, first of all,
to pray for all people.
Ask God to help them;
Intercede on their behalf,
and give thanks for them.
When those we love are suffering, we often feel helpless and wish we could do more to help. The good news is, we can. We can pray.
Prayers for a suffering friend are an incredible gift of love. Illness and its accompanying exhaustion, mind-fogging medications and weariness of soul can make it difficult for those who suffer to pray for themselves. What a great encouragement it is to know that someone is praying for your needs when you are incapable of praying for yourself!
Those who suffer can oftentimes sense when others are praying for them. Just knowing that someone else is praying sends a powerful message of love, concern and sacrifice. And best of all, when we pray for someone, we have lifted up their needs to the One who can best meet them … and who can give us His peace in the process.
The Lord hears His people
when they call to Him for help.
He rescues them from all their troubles.
PSALM 34:17 (NLT)
On the journey with you,
Dave Dravecky