Endurance for the Journey, Featured, Love

For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
but have eternal life.
JOHN 3:16 (NIV)

Babe Ruth is to baseball what John 3:16 is to the Bible. If you know just one baseball player, it’s probably the “Babe”. If you know just one Bible verse, it’s probably John 3:16.

God so ached for the return of this lost world that He gave up His only Son to bring it home. I have to tell you honestly, I can’t understand that. I can’t fathom why He would do that. Jonathan is my only son, and there’s no way I would give him up. Or Tiffany – my only daughter. Not for anything. Not to get my arm back. Not to play baseball again. Not for the world.

And yet …

And yet that is why God gave his Son – for the world. For you.

God showed How much He loved us
by sending His one and only Son into the world,
so that we might have eternal life through Him.
This is real love – not that we loved God,
but that He loved us and sent His Son
as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
1 JOHN 4:9-10 (NLT)

On the journey with you,
Dave Dravecky


Endurance for the Journey, Featured, Relationships

Then the Lord God said,
“It is not good that the man be alone.”

I would like to share what I hope will be some words of encouragement. These are not my words but the words of a pastor I have tremendous respect for. His name is Bryan Loritts. I had the privilege of listening to a message he shared during an interview that I believe will encourage us all.

His message revolved around his response to the racial tensions and fears we are experiencing in our nation right now. However, It is also appropriate for those of us who are walking alongside someone who is suffering.

There are four powerful words he uses to encourage us. We need to first LAMENT, then LISTEN and LEARN, and then respond or receive in LOVE.

LAMENT – Most of us would struggle with understanding how to lament or grieve when faced with difficult news. Especially when we find ourselves hearing the word cancer for the first time. I don’t know if I thought of it being a form of lament when I was first diagnosed, but now looking back, I lamented the news. It grieved me to think that I was about to go on a journey where I could potentially lose my career or maybe even my life.

LISTEN – For the person on the receiving end of bad news listening can be a struggle. And as we all know, trusting the words of that doctor or counselor or deliverer of the difficult news and understanding the plan is critical. That is why, it is so important to have an advocate with you. A loved one who can help you understand – who can listen on your behalf. Also, listening to other’s stories who have walked a similar path – much can be learned.

LEARN – Obviously learning follows what we’ve just heard. We learn through listening to the doctors and counselors and the stories of others. We learn what others have experienced and what we possibly are about to go through. We gain an understanding of the situation that helps us to be emotionally prepared as best we can. And trust me, at least for myself, even with the information it was still very difficult to face what I was about to go through!

LOVE – In the end, as we face whatever trial we are going through, knowing we are loved becomes a powerful part of giving us the courage we will need to face the uncertainty of what lies ahead! Knowing we are not alone on this journey means everything to the one going through it. To love others binds us together on the journey so that no one is alone.

That is why Jan and I consider it a privilege to come alongside the hurting together with all of you. Thank you for making this ministry possible by your prayers and continued faithful support.

Above all, clothe yourselves in love,
which binds us all together in harmony.

On the journey with you,
Dave Dravecky