Endurance for the Journey, Featured

“Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses,
so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

Over the last few years I have been increasingly aware that true healing mostly takes place through the sharing of weakness. Mostly we are so afraid of our weaknesses that we hide them at all cost and thus make them unavailable to others but also often to ourselves. And, in this way, we end up living double lives even against our own desires: one life in which we present ourselves to the world, to ourselves, and to God as a person who is in control and another life in which we feel insecure, doubtful, confused, and anxious and totally out of control.

The split between these two lives causes us a lot of suffering. I have become increasingly aware of the importance of overcoming the great chasm between these two lives and am becoming more and more aware that facing, with others, the reality of our existence can be the beginning of a truly free life.

It is amazing in my own life that true friendship and community became possible to the degree that I was able to share my weaknesses with others. Often I became aware of the fact that in the sharing of my weaknesses with others, the real depths of my human brokenness and weakness and sinfulness started to reveal themselves to me, not as a source of despair but as a source of hope.

As long as I try to convince myself or others of my independence, a lot of my energy is invested in building up my own false self. But once I am able to truly confess my most profound dependence on others and on God, I can come in touch with my true self and real community can develop.

On the journey with you,
Jan & Dave Dravecky


Endurance for the Journey, Fear, Featured, Trust

Friends love through all kinds of weather,
and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.

I love the book of Proverbs. It truly is the Book of Wisdom. Last week we learned from Proverbs how important it is to journey through life with wise, safe and trustworthy friends. There is nothing like a true friend who loves us through the good times and the bad times.

The next step is learning to trust those friends – removing the masks that we think they will like and accept – and allowing those friends to see who we truly are underneath those masks. That is a scary step for most of us – I know it was for me – especially within the Christian community. Because …

“We gain admiration and respect from behind a mask. We can even intimidate. But as long as we are behind a mask, any mask, we will not be able to receive love. Then in our desperation to be loved, we will rush to fashion more masks, hoping the next will give us what we’re longing for: To be known, accepted, trusted and loved.” THE CURE (BY JOHN LYNCH, BRUCE MCNICHOL, BILL THRALL)

And the truth is that mask wearing stunts our growth – our maturing process. We will never mature into who we truly are until we learn to remove our masks and reveal our struggles and weaknesses with trustworthy friends. The purpose of friendships is to help one another grow and mature – sharpening us into who we never dreamed we could be.

You can use steel to sharpen steel,
and one friend sharpens another.

On the journey with you,
Dave Dravecky